What is My Medicare?

MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration system that aims to formalise the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams.

Seeing your GP regularly and formalising the relationship you have with your GP and general practice through MyMedicare can lead to better health outcomes.

By registering as a patient of your chosen general practice and selecting a preferred GP, additional funding will be available from the government to assist your primary care team to deliver the care you need.

MyMedicare: EnhancinG PAtient-Doctor Relationships

MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration system designed to formalize the patient's relationship with their general practice, GP, and primary care teams. Regular visits to your GP and establishing a formal connection through MyMedicare can significantly improve health outcomes. By registering at your chosen general practice and selecting a preferred GP, you can access additional government funding to support your primary care team in providing the necessary care.

How to Register?

Signing up through the Medicare online Account or Express Plus Medicare Mobile App is the easiest ways to register with my our practice.

Alternatively, we ask you to fill out the My Medicare registration form. It can be found here. After filling out the form, we ask you to please bring with you to the practice for your next appointment where we can finish the registration process.
There are also copies made available to you at Reception.